Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Germany: Day 1

After seven and a half hours, three of which may have been sleep, we made it to Frankfurt, Germany.  I really don't mind flying...I just hate right before take off.   Part of that anxiety is probably my mother's fault.  She is the type of person who clutches the armrests and squeezes her eyes shut.  She would have hated our flight.  It was very turbulent.  This was my first overnight and international flight and let me tell ya, airplane food SUCKS! Only the cold piece of bread was even remotely appealing.

Germany.  Germany is absolutely beautiful.  All the houses are made of stone and are simply gorgeous.  They have an older feel to them.  Right by the house where we are staying is a long beautiful river.  On the other side is France.  I have a picture of it on Facebook from when we biked over.

Driving in Germany is very similar but different.  Cars are either rounder or more box like and there is not a pick-up truck in sight.  Semis aren't as big and have a flat front instead of the nose.  Also, most intersections don't have any signs.  There are hardly any stop signs and there are only yields to the main road.  On the other roads, you look right.  If there is someone there or approaching, you wait.  If not you can go.  Then there is the Autobahn.  On this freeway, there is no speed limit.  You can go as fast as you want.  We were going 100 mph but it only felt like 60.  It simply amazed me.

Tonight we are watching movies and eating German chocolate and beer (cause yes! I am legal here!).  The drinking age for beer is 16 and the age for hard liquor is 18.  I have already had some German chocolate and it so sweet and flavorful.  There are types of chocolate I had never even heard of.

I can't wait for tomorrow.  We are going to the Black Forest and then converting our money into Euros.  What an awesome start to my adventure!

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