Sunday, August 23, 2015

Overcoming Fears

I am not keen on heights.  I like having my feet planted securely on the ground at all times.  Today I challenged that fear.  With Jonas, his sister, his girlfriend and his uncle's family, we went to an outdoor obstacle course in the trees.

The "home base" is a beautiful log cabin with log benches and tables for sitting and eating.  You are given a harness to attach to your lower body, a helmet and gloves.  On the harness, you have three clips.  Two are like large binder clips with locks on them and another is for zip lining.  You use the clips to attach to the wires on the platforms and the obstacles.  There were various bridges, ladders, swinging tires and zip lines.  I really liked the zip lining.

I was extremely nervous and only went on the two easy and the one medium, but I am proud of myself for trying this.


Hollister is very expensive and very popular.  The stores look the same but don't play as loud of music and don't require a gas mask to be able to breathe.

French traffic lights are mounted on posts on the right side of the road and have smaller traffic lights mounted below them.

You refer to your backyard as your garden.

Everyone loves Nutella.

You are not a true German until you can open a beer bottle with another beer bottle.