Friday, November 27, 2015

El Día de Acción de Gracias

I was very sad and homesick yesterday since I was not with my family for Thanksgiving but I was able to celebrate with the other American students here in Valencia at a restaurant.  When I first arrived, it was me, my teacher, his wife and our Vice President of International Relations.  It was a little awkward but I was able to practice my Spanish and I had the chance to see the inside the kitchen where they were cooking 10 turkeys!

No automatic alt text available.Dinner included appetizers of toasted bread with ham and tomatoes, stuffed mushrooms and celery with a cheese sauce.  For dinner, they served mashed potatoes with some time of curry sauce and of course turkey with gravy.  They also had homemade cranberry sauce which was AMAZING.  To drink they served red and white wine and beer.  And for dessert, we had pumpkin pie squares.  It was absolutely delicious.

Fun Fact: Spain celebrates Black Friday but it actually begins on Friday.

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