Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Adios a España

First of all, please enjoy this picture of the Mediterranean Sea.  I went for the first time today.

No automatic alt text available.Four months ago, I left my family, friends and home to study abroad in Valencia, Spain.  I was really scared to leave.  However, as time passed, I adjusted to life here and realized I had nothing to be scared of.

I have seen so many things and learned so much about the world around me.  I have had the amazing opportunity to be in the countries of Germany, France and Spain.  I have seen the Black Forest, four Spanish cities and a Medieval castle.  I have lived and experienced Spanish culture and life.  I have made friends from all over the world.

I also learned a lot about myself.  As much as I have enjoyed my time here, I figured out that I cannot live without my family, especially my mom.  Previously, I had thought about moving South after college, but now I want to stay near my home if I can.

Don't get me wrong.  If I have the chance to go back to Europe, I would go, but I don't think I can ever live so far away from my family again.  I have loved my time here, but it is time to come home and face reality.  I graduate college in two and a half years and then my life truly begins.

Thank you for following my amazing journey. Thank you to Dr. Esperanza Roncero for making this possible!  And thank you to all who had made this experience memorable.

Hasta Luego España.

1 comment:

  1. Alicia, I am so proud of you! What an adventure to study abroad for a whole semester. I have watched you grow from a little daisy to a beautiful young woman. It is great to learn about different cultures and see the world but there is no place like home!
    Hugs~ Miss Julie
