Thursday, September 17, 2015

Classes: Take 4!

After arriving to class yesterday, finding only school supplies in the room and then being dragged to a welcome day for education majors (realized that halfway through), I was a little discouraged about today.  I went to campus early since it is a 45 minute commute and I studied while I waited.  At 2:45, I was supposed to have a meeting with my coordinator who is also my professor for my class at 3:00.

2:45.  Nothing.

2:50.  Nothing.

2:55.  Nothing.

3:00. Nothing but an empty room.

3:03. Tidal Wave... All fifteen students came within that one minute, along with the professor.

What happened with my meeting was that she was kept at her office with another matter.  No worries, we talked after class.

So I had my first class in Spanish.  She had me present my name, where I am from and what I study.  When I said that I lived near Niagara Falls, some girls gasped.  For me it is not a big deal but I don't think anyone in my class has ever been close to them.

I understood maybe 1/8 of the class, if that.  The one girl kept saying she didn't understand the concept and I thought at least you understand the words the teacher is saying.  Luckily we were just talking about a reading so I can just read it at my own pace.  I had to have a girl explain to me what the homework was after the teacher said it but she was okay with it.  She even gave me her number in case I had questions.

Everyone was very friendly.  I got a couple remarks about how my Spanish was better than their English which was nice.  They have probably taken English a lot longer than I have.

I am finally registered for all my classes so the next step is to study hard!

I hope on Monday things go just as smoothly.

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