Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Los Nietos

"La Lana" or "Wool"

Los nietos are grandchildren.  Rosa and Jose, my host parents, have eight grandchildren.  Five of them came over today to spend the day with their grandparents.  Their mother, also named Rosa, came here for an hour also and will be back for dinner.  So what did I do during this hour? I taught Rosa and Rosa how to crochet.  For those who know my family, my mother is excellent at crocheting and she taught me... I made my first blanket last year.  I have taught people to crochet before but never in Spanish.  And who teaches the words needed for crocheting in Spanish classes? No one.  Well, I managed to teach them by showing them and using my small vocabulary in Spanish crochet words.  I even learned a new word! "Lana" means wool.  They use that word to describe the yarn I was using.  The grandchildren are a riot.  They span from ages three to twelve and the way they interact with each other is very funny.  I even got to practice my Spanish with the family.

After spending time with Rosa, Jose and their grandchildren, I went  to my internship.  My supervisor is on vacation so I got to work with a different woman today.  I still did much of the same things but this time I had to translate a profile from a new family from Spanish to English.  It was difficult but I think I did well.

Tomorrow I have my internship again and I get to see my friend David, the boy that spent a month with this summer from Spain.  It is so cool that I get to meet his family!

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