Thursday, September 3, 2015

Welcome Day

Image may contain: 6 people, people smiling

Today was the first time I had to go to one of the campuses of the Catholic University of Valencia, mind you that there are about 8 of them.  We had no clue where to go in the building.  There weren't any signs.  Luckily, we saw a man that had come and visited Nazareth in the Spring and he was able to tell us where to go.

We began in a lecture hall with all the exchange students but when they called the Americans to leave the room, we weren't supposed to go with them.  First of all, we are the first two Americans from our college to attend the university (we were even introduced) and second of all, we were in a different program than the other Americans.  They are in a program for Americans to come and learn Spanish.  We are actual exchange students who are taking actual courses.

After we had the orientation, we were free to go on our own.  My buddy Amparo, a girl from Poland named Marcelina, and I went to a tapas bar where we ate lunch.  They helped me with my Spanish and Marcelina told me that I am the first American she has ever met...I hope I made a good impression... They were happy to speak with an actual native English speaker, even though we spoke mostly Spanish.

After lunch, I had my internship.  I finished reading through the host family descriptions and I moved onto the apartments.  The International House is starting an English program this fall and I had to stuff the folders with a pamphlet and pen, also.

So, I have no clue when my classes are and I didn't get lost today....a good day overall!

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