Tuesday, September 15, 2015

First Few Days of Classes...or not

Well you know it is going to be a rough day when you use your body wash to clean your hair....

I was supposed to have class today but I was told the wrong building for the class and it would take to long to get to the campus where the class really is.  This happened yesterday too.... I am trying again tomorrow.  I hope that the third time is the charm.

I also had my internship today but my supervisor wasn´t here.  I finished my work yesterday, I can´t access her email to send te emails I need to send and the flashdrive is locked in her desk. I had nothing to do.   At least they were playing Frank Sinatra in the office today.  Even though it was sang by Michael Buble, it was better than nothing.
Image result for international house valencia

International House Valencia

So I had a blah day today.  However I noticed a quote in my agenda that inspired me:

"No existe una manera fácil.  No importa cuán talentoso seas, tu talenta te va a faltar, si no lo desarrollas. Si no estudias, si no trabajas duro, si no te dedicas a ser mejor cada día."


"There is no easy way.  It doesn´t matter how talented you are.  Your talent will diminish if you do not develop it, if you don´t study, if you don´t work hard, if you do not dedicate every day to get better."

Ironically, this quote is by Will Smith.  It reminds me of why I am here in Spain.  I am here to study Spanish, to experience the world and to better myself.  It isn´t easy, but if I work hard, it will get better and it will be worth it in the end.

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