Friday, September 4, 2015


There is this thing in Spain called tapas.  They are like specialized appetizers.  You go out with friends, eat the tapas and drink wine.  Last night, the girls from my family and I went out to a tapas restaurant.  We ordered tapas for dinner.  The first one we had was called "patatas bravas".  You are given sliced potatoes and they provide a special sauce that is unique to their restaurant.  We then had a potato and fish mash with a sauce.  They came in blacked balls.  It sounds kind of gross but honestly, it was DELICIOUS!  Both are pictured to the right.

Next came the tacos with guacamole and bacon.  They were fantastic! The guacamole had a slight spice and the bacon made it perfect.  Ray Ni and Lena had them without bacon and they said even that was amazing. Following the tacos was fish with a citrus sauce.  I don't have a picture of it but it was good.  It came with two additional pieces of potato slices.  With the left over sauce you dip bread in it.

After those four, we had a fish tartar with mustard.  I was not too big a fan of it but the mustard was delicious! I just dunked the bread in it and ate the dish that way.

We then sat and talked for a while about our different countries.  Ray Ni had lived in the United States for eight years in addition to China and Lena has traveled all over the world.  She is from Germany.  During this we drank the house wine, a sweet white wine.  After we served the dessert that we ordered.  It was an apple tart with sweet caramel ice cream and a stick of cinnamon flavored bark. It was absolutely delicious!

 Pictured here are the four of us from the family after we ate our tapas.  What a wonderful night!

A little note on the meals.  In an earlier post I mentioned the three main meals and their times. (Breakfast 8ish, Lunch 2:30, Dinner 9:00)  Well in addition to these meals, there are two more!  At 11ish, you have a small meal and at 5ish you have a snack.  Usually if I am hungry during the extra two meal times, I go to a bakery down the street where they have homemade breads, sweets and sandwiches.

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