Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Last Names and University

I would say today was a good day.  I made it to classes today and yesterday.  I can understand up to 40% of what is said but better than nothing!  Luckily, most teachers put things online so I copy all of the power points for I go to class.  Classes actually aren't going too poorly though.  The readings are hard and time-consuming but the students are nice and helpful.

Another picture of
beautiful Valencia

Today we were talking about a Theorist in my Anthropology class who was an honorary member of the Seneca Nation.  I mentioned that I live really close to the nation and I received gasps.  Whenever I say anything about the United States I receive gasps or everyone is quiet and listening because you never know what you might learn.  I feel like an exhibit in a zoo.

I also had to explain what I call the friends of my parents and how our last names work.  In most Spanish speaking countries, you have two: your father's and your mother's.  When you get married you don't change your name and your kids have the last names of their grandfathers.  For example:

My Spanish name would be Alicia Sciolino Bruce.  Say I marry Justin Bieber, who would be Justin Bieber Mallete in Spain.  We have a child named Moss.  His full name would be Moss Bieber Sciolino.  

Please do not let me marry Justin Bieber.. or name my kid Moss.

A note on Universities:
1.  Everyone calls them "Uni"
2. You receive a fixed class schedule and you stay in one room.  The teacher comes to you.

3. Everyone uses their iPads in class.  I have never seen so many in one room outside of the Apple Store.

1 comment:

  1. Alicia! It is delightful to read about your adventures, and you have such a fun and interesting writing voice! Moss! Feel better, Sweetie! xo
